"We can only hope that in the time we have alive, we grow, improve and develop...not necessarily into "perfection" but at least consistently becoming better every day"

~~ Michelle Green

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NYC Trip

I did talk to my X yesterday and I think he is going to go get our daughter in NYC. I was VERY nervous with all the ice and snow, as well as driving in NYC (she lives right by Manhattan). So, I will find out today for sure but he sounded very positive about doing this. As much as I would love to go get my daughter, the driving was really stressing me out.

I can remember when my children were little and we would declare it summer for a day in the middle of winter. I would put towels all over our living room floor (wood), bring in their little pool and put some water in it. We would play Jimmy Buffett, pack a lunch and pretend it was summer. The kids would run around in their bathing suits and have a great time. We forgot about cleaning the house, everything. except having fun @ the "beach".

I think I need an adult version of this. Idea's are running through my mind...don't worry, I will pack a healthy lunch! LOL. Doesn't that sound like fun? Especially with all the icy/snowy conditions.

Things are moving in a better direction. I have decided that I need more structure with my eating so I am going to join WW, the low carb thing is really great but I struggle with it. WW is something that does work for me, though I wish they weren't so expensive. I won;t be able to join for a couple weeks but that's ok, I will kick start my exercising, eat healthy, and join when I can.

Have a lot to do today; homework, cleaning, laundry, and getting ready for my daughter to arrive.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Lots of folks do really well with WW. Hope it works for you when you start.

    Thanks for the Stylish Blogger award. I will post sometime soon about it. Michele

  2. I have to say I'm relieved for you not having to drive (and into Manhattan?? Yikes!) I hope your daughter finds some peace at home.
    What fun you all must have had when the kids were small. That sounds like it would have been so much fun - I'd love to see an adult version of this! lol
    Take care of yourself. Glad to see things moving once again in the right direction :)
