"We can only hope that in the time we have alive, we grow, improve and develop...not necessarily into "perfection" but at least consistently becoming better every day"

~~ Michelle Green

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Hurdle!

Mexican food is one of my downfalls. My friend and I went to a movie and to get a bite to eat. At the movies I did NOT get any popcorn just a diet soda. After the movie the only place we found that sounded half way decent was a Mexican food restaurant. This was REALLY hard for me but I only ate 5-10 chips and ordered a hamburger, though I did not eat the bun. Instead of a side of french fries I got a side salad.. I have to admit that a part of me really wanted the chips & salsa and all the "good" things I usually get. BUT, a bigger part of me was so pleased with myself for being mindful all evening. I believe this was the 1st movie I have even gone too where I DID NOT order popcorn, and yes, I survived!! LOL

While I've been a little lazy today I am still on track with my food, I still need to take Kodi for a walk, do my Wii yoga and I was thinking about some boxing...get rid of some aggression???

I just wanted to share my evening of facing 2 very difficult tasks ~ a movie and a Mexican food restaurant, and feeling good about my decisions....I am looking forward to my weigh in on Wednesday.

As for Hate-Loss Challenge, I am trying to remember that words are a reflection of our thoughts, looked up some words to get inspired when I was having difficulty thinking of many, here are some that others may like: adventurous, amazing, artistic, attractive, authentic (I like this one), bighearted, brave, bright, calm, charitable, clever, courageous, creative, faithful, friendly, helpful, intelligent, kind, proud, optimistic, trust, and wonderful. I found it easier to comment on some attribute of my personality instead of a compliment on my body. I guess its a process....but a very worthwhile one!

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