"We can only hope that in the time we have alive, we grow, improve and develop...not necessarily into "perfection" but at least consistently becoming better every day"

~~ Michelle Green

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A walk in the park and other musings

Took Kodi to the park and we walked about 1.5 miles, which isn't bad considering it's around 30 degrees. I was walking down this path and I saw a path ahead of me, which I had not seen before. I kept looking at the path wondering how I got over there. It took quite a bit of looking to realize it was the same path that I was on, I just wasn't far enough on the path to realize it. Mmmm, I had been thinking about where I was in life and if I was on the right path etc etc. So this was a little thought provoking. For those who know me they know it doesn't take much to get me to think about things. LOL

Anyway, Kodi and I continued our walk, just before we reach the car I must have stepped in a pile which has been so thoughtfully left by a previous dog. Kodi and I each had out drinks of water and climbed in the car. I told Kodi a few times "Boy, you really smell" before it really hit me that it REALLY SMELLED. So much so, that for a second I wondered if Kodi had an accident, but no, she wouldn't do that. By then I am driving out of the park and start to push on the brake when my foot slips off the brake. Even before I looked down, I just knew. Yep, my car mat was a mess as well as the brake. I drove down the rode and pulled over at a business where I could get out of my car, try to clean my shoe and get the mat out.

After all this was done, I was back in my car ~ thinking again....after having the small revelation as I was walking through the park I follow that up with stepping in dog poo....I am choosing not to think about the poo part too much and will concentrate on the fact that I did get out of the house and motivated myself enough to walk 1.5 miles.....but isn't that like life? You're walking around feeling good about yourself and you step in poo. That's when you choose how you are going to react....


  1. It just goes to show you that even when you're on the right path, shit happens! You just have to deal with it to your best ability (although it is quite tempting to blame it on others at first) and then move on. :-D

  2. My thoughts exactly! Just because we are where we are supposed to be doesn't mean the journey will be easy.
