Math test completed. I feel like I did fairly well but you never know, one wrong step in the formula and it completely alters the answer. I got about 4.5-5 much need hours to study before the test, came home and was happily greeted by my little animals. No matter how the day has gone there is nothing like the reaction you get from your dog when you come home, talk about unconditional love....I bundled up and took Kodi out for a walk- about a mile. It was cold but I am glad that I didn't sit down I think I would have molded to the couch.
I am going to relax this evening though I am going to try to get some yoga in. I am taking my resume in to a store in town because a friend told her boss I would be coming in. This weekend is dedicated to my legal exam on Monday, my computer exam and power point presentation as well as my english's really getting close to the end....I really hope and pray that I end up on the deans list......
Time for the old flannel jammies..............
Yes, after all that you complete, time for jammies.