I went to church this past Sunday, something I hadn't done in awhile, I hadn't found a church home but I have to admit that I wasn't looking really hard either. Anyway, I went to Unity Christ Church, Rev Mary officiated @ Michelle's memorial service. I was nervous about going but prayed that God would open my heart and let me hear what I needed to hear.
I came in on Part 3 of a discussion but this sermon was on Prosperity Challenge. She discussed how you can't enter a place of prospering idea's from a place of fear. In other words if we are so fearful of the future and worrying about the future, we are starting to go forward from that place of fear. When we form a consciousness of fear, it can only lead to the wrong place, because out of fear WE are dictating the direction.
Whereas with the Prosperity Challenge we 1st of all need to start with exactly where we are at that moment, with what we have. We need to concentrate on what we have and be thankful of what we Do have and not what we don't have. By starting out from a place of graditute we are actually forming a bridge to the kingdom of God.
So instead of worrying about bills, how we will make it, etc, we need to stand still, be still. God commands we enter a different consciousness by standing still. By being still we form a partnership with God and the universe.
So, we start with where we are and with what we have, it is enough because it is all we have so it HAS to be enough. When we give thanks it leads to words and feelings which then leads us to a "HAVE" consciousness not a "HAVE NOT" consciousness. If we have thoughts of love and thankfulness, those feelings radiate from us and create more of those feelings. Similar to magnets and like attacks like.
It states it in 2 Kings Ch.4, where it shows there is power in the moment. When the poor woman had nothing but oil in her home, she focused on what she did have and God make the oil last. By focusing on what she had she did not need to worry about the future. Jesus also spoke about it in the Gospels, when they told God they did not have enough to feed everyone. Jesus focused on what they did have ~ some loaves of bread and some wine, He then gives thanks for what HE DOES have and the feelings of thankfulness and love create more, thus they had enough to feed everyone. Also, by giving away what we do have it "expands and grows".
In other words, give thanks for what you DO have and God will lead you to what he wants you to have.
YES = Your Empowerment System
Also, we repeated the following which I liked:
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
Surely the presence of our God is in this place,
I can feel the mighty power & the grace.
I can hear the brush of angel's wings,
I see glory on each face.
Surely the presence of our God is in this place.
"The light of God surrounds us
the love of God enfolds us
The power of God protects us
The presence of God watches over us"
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