"We can only hope that in the time we have alive, we grow, improve and develop...not necessarily into "perfection" but at least consistently becoming better every day"

~~ Michelle Green

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wrong Turn

Made a wrong turn this week as school started, thought I was better prepared than I apparently was. Anyway, I am getting back on track and will post more later.......


  1. I have been totally outta control. Totally warring with myself. Too much going on and I'm not handling it. Get yourself in gear cuz I'm counting on you to inspire me! ;)

  2. exactly, "warring with myself", good way to describe it. I too, have been going through quite a bit, family issues, school starting, job interview, etc etc. Sometimes, I wish I could walk away from some of the family issues. If there is anything that makes me feel totally inadequate, it's my family! Have got to figure a way around this.
