"We can only hope that in the time we have alive, we grow, improve and develop...not necessarily into "perfection" but at least consistently becoming better every day"

~~ Michelle Green

Monday, November 29, 2010

Not a good start to the week

I woke up this morning - LATE. Ugh. This is not the time I need to do this. The last 2 weeks of the semester and I am already behind.....I had read on Lanie Panie site where she was trying to get to bed at a regular time every night and I thought , what a wonderful idea!!! Well, after completing my access database I stayed up and watched mindless TV, you know the kind of TV show where you talk yourself into watching it "just to relax". My son has a saying "well that's two hours of my life I'll never get back"..So not only did I stay up too late but I then over slept. So, My new goal for the day is to go to my classes, do the best I can and get my papers done alone the way. Concentrate Anne, you can do this. This fear of success thing (or the belief that I really am not good at something) always seems to rear it's ugly head at times like this. I know inside I don't feel as if I am good enough or deserve it, but I am working through those old messages.....yes I can do it, I believe I have all A's (well not so sure about English Comp) so I CAN do this, I just can't let myself trip over those words that creep up at times like this.

I am not letting this set back get me down, you know why? I went to some of your sites (some of you know who) and read some of your entries. You just have to love this place, comfort and support abounds....off to class (with my lunch packed). I will update when I get home late this evening.


  1. I struggle a lot with sabotaging myself just when I'm the verge of success. What are we afraid of? For me, it's other people's expectations and I have to learn not to worry about that.

    PS - I stayed up until 1:30 this morning. I had every intention of going to bed, but well , maybe not EVERY. It sounded good though and I thought if I "declared" it, I'd make it happen. Nope!

  2. I don't know why we sabotage our successes and I am not sure what I am afraid of, but your right it is a fear....need to think about that one for awhile.

    Going to bed on time is HARD, there is so much to do and it's late so why not relax a little.... We give it our best shot.

    Have a wonderful week!
