I was able to complete 2 different journals and turn them in and I also turned in my first draft of my argument paper (one would think this would come naturally for me, the arguing anyway). I went into school early and spent 4.5 hours working on projects to complete and turn in, then on to classes. My math test which was tomorrow has been delayed until Thursday afternoon. YEAH!
Tomorrow is another early day to work on Math, then to class. I was going to study this evening when I got home but I truly believe my brain is mush...I am going to have to really hit the books tomorrow morning and evening.
I am worried about unemployment being extended again. I try to find at least one job to apply for each day but I am trying not to think about it because it causes me so much stress, then I start eating, the depression, the eating....So, I am trying to remain positive so I can get through the last 2.5 weeks of classes, really can't stumble now, want my deans list status....
Wonderful talk with my son and we are going to try to get together for Christmas. Called and checked on my Mom in the nursing home, hopefully I will be able to see her when classes are done.
All in all a good day. We are supposed to get some snow....LOVE the look of snow after it's fallen, not the cold mind you but you can have one without the other...
I was talking to someone about my extended family today and it would have been so easy to slip into the negative talk but I stopped myself. I just don't want all the negative, angry feelings....I am happy that I didn't fall into it this time. Practice, practice, practice.....
I'd like to believe these 2 are praying that unemployment is extended and school goes well for me....aren't they cute?